Want to fall asleep faster and sleep better through the night?

In this two hour workshop you will learn...

✅ Breathing techniques to help you dial down stress and get to sleep faster.

✅ A process to reduce the mental chatter that might be keeping you awake at night.

✅ How to change your nighttime routine to help you get better sleep.

You’ve got to get a better night's sleep, but you don't know how.

You've tried taking over the counter sleeping medication but you don't want to depend on or can no longer rely on them to fall asleep.

You've tried exercising.

Exercise is excellent for your health;  However, vigorous exercise in the evening may lead to an increase in dopamine and norepinephrine, which can get in the way of sleep.


And counting sheep has never worked for anybody.

"The single best predictor of daytime performance
is the quality of the previous night's sleep."
“Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society.” Coursera. Accessed 07.05.2021. https://www.coursera.org/learn/sleep.

Studies have shown clear connections between sleep deprivation and obesity, heart disease, depression, an acceleration of overall brain aging, impaired immune function, and decreased cognitive function.

B O T T O M   L I N E

You need to get some better sleep fast.

Better Sleep Workshop

Step #1
The most common reason for sleep deprivation, is poor sleep hygiene. So the first thing you want to address is starting with your sleep environment. 

Step #2
Create an effective bedtime routine.

Step #3
Learn practices that reduce tension, reduce overthinking, and use the "relaxation response" to shift the nervous sytem into "rest and digest" mode for better sleep.

After just two hours in
the Better Sleep Workshop,
you'll be able to …

Use breathing techniques to help you dial down stress and get to sleep faster.

Link your breath to movement using your mind, and reduce mental chatter that might be keeping you awake at night.

Download video and audio routines to add to your nighttime routine to help you get better sleep.

Better Sleep Workshop

Learn how to turn off your brain and get better sleep.
... simple techniques to get to sleep faster
... and nightime routines to help you stay asleep longer.

Here’s everything that’s included:

Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Sleep
✅ The Science of Breathing
✅ How Breathing affects the Nervous System
✅ Breathing Practices to Fall Asleep Faster
✅ Ancient Mind-Body Practices That Aid Sleep 

✅ Synergistic Routines for Better Sleep


✅ Webinar recordings and handouts.
✅ Audio and video practice sessions that you can download and use for life.
✅ Progress tracking journal.
✅ Access to future webinars and updates.

✅ Access to ask questions.